> No products whatsoever were featured, including the car player.

i think this was the main problem. i am one of those people who were willing to buy a rio car, but when i've seen this product the first time, it had a price of 1800$. dont get me wrong, i dont want to say that you've tried to make much profit with it, but 1800$ is much money for a student. so for me it wasn't affordable. but it stayed on my wishlist. i don't know which price was the lowest that could have saved the rio car (in the end it was down to 375$ i think, but without profit for you), but if i had known that it was getting cheaper i would have watched it constantly and would have bought it as soon as affordable.

but i didnt read anything about lower prices in magazines or on websites. no reviews on geek hardware sites, no appearance on the frontpage of thinkgeek or something similar. nothing. maybe i wasn't reading the right websites, but i think it wasn't just me who suffered from this communication problem.

two weeks ago i wanted to check the empeg homepage to see if the price for this dream machine was still too high for me, but at that time it was allready over.

so if you ever plan to release something similar, please send some samples to computer magazines (non-US ones too, you see where people in the sales forum come from!) or to hardware review sites. and send them the whole pack again if you halve the prices. potential buyers must know if that happens! most of them don't have jedi-powers to simply sense this. people need to know that there is someone out there producing the things they are looking for for ages.