I picked a degree I knew would be a no brainer - Electronic & Electrical Engineering with a CS option - specifically because I knew I wouldn't need to work very hard as that kind of stuff was my hobby from about 5 years old.
I also picked a uni with an Eng dept with a history of heavy partying, for obvious reasons. You know you're in the right place when Eng Lecturer informs the assembled hungover baboons that Pi is silly, we'll all use 3 for procedural work and press the Pi button on the computer/calculator we use for the final results

The course itself was useful for my hobbies (I design and build electric guitars and effects) but not relevant to my work, although I do work in the IT Security field.
So I checked "No"
England - John Cleese, USA - Homer Simpson, Australia -Kylie Minogue- interesting national icons when you start to think about it. Anybody else want to play?