Well, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment, but I'll defend myself ever so briefly

I will NEVER own a Sony head unit, perish the thought.

However, I am buying an Alpine multimedia rig (CVA style) and don't have room to mount that and the empeg in the din. I understand that the Empeg is a WONDERFUL solution and don't want to impinge upon either its community or concept. That said, I simply have nowhere to put it as remote mount is not an option and DVD playback is important to me (I do a good bit of driving, which is also why I'm so attached to the AM band).

So god bless your fervent support of a great product and much is the shame that it will not be making a home in my baby.

(A Sony? Barely worth their weight as scrap)
"All most of us get is 'Mind that bus', 'What bus?', splat." AJ Rimmer on death