I'm having problems with my remote control - it keeps crashing. Before I describe the symptoms, I'll freely admit that I have *not* changed the battery, as described in the FAQ. However, I don't believe my symptoms are related to a low battery.

I've had my player about a month, and the remote works about 90% of the time. However, occasionally it will just lock up, and fail to work. Up until today, to rectify this, I've had to remove the battery for about 2 minutes, and re-insert. Doing this causes the remote to start functioning properly again.

However, it's done it twice today, so I decided I'd look into it further. I grabbed for my digital camera (and found its batteries were dead, so charged 'em!), and pointed it at the remote. Conclusion: The IR LED is *constantly* emitting IR light - it appears white on the screen. Pull the battery - LED goes black. Put it back in - LED lights up bright white.

This sounds like more of a problem than a simple flat battery. I would just contact support, but I bought my player second hand, and while it was from a very reputable member of this board (you don't get much better), I don't have any purchase paperwork.

I am going to get a new battery in the next couple of days (and have, indeed, ordered a second remote from the store, so I can leave one at home and one in the car), but I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this.

(Incidentally, after successfully 'rebooting' the remote, the digicam shows the LED as being off except when a button is pressed, when it emits a sequence of pulses - as expected)

Suggestions please?


Empeg Mk2a 128G with amber lit buttons kit - #30102490

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