Today I accidently deleted a couple of button-kit install inquiries while cleaning spam from my inbox.. so for those two people and anyone else..

Yes, I still offer a Button LED Installation Service.

I charge US$50 per installation (buttons & knob together), plus US$10 for the dimmer-fix capacitor install, plus about US$10 for 5-day return shipment via the post office. If you use a creditcard with PayPal, plan on another US$3 to cover their creditcard transaction fees.

I don't really make any money from this, since it just takes time (90 minutes or so) away from my consulting work (much higher pay rate there..), but I like the distraction and somebody has to do it!

To take advantage of this service, first acquire a button kit from Brian (see the Buttons link up top), and then email me (real email) for my shipping address.

You'll then need to remove the displayboard from your unit, and mail/FedEx it to me in a SMALL package, with "Value $1.00, Sample Kit" on the Customs declaration (I'm in Canada). I usually complete and return it within 1-2 days of receipt. Do not PayPal me for this until after the job, when I'll send you exact instructions (along with a photo of the working button LEDs!).


Mark Lord