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You can do a specific year already, that's built-in.

"By decade" isn't a default feature, but it's pretty easy to set up a few by-decade playlists in Emplode

Thanks...I do know about both of these methods. I realize that it is easy to setup decade playlists, but the ease is not the's the time involved. Several thousand tracks spread widely over several decades. Many of these are "one-hit-wonders" so I'd have to do it one track at a time rather than an album at a time.

It's hard enough to try to keep all the ID3 info current without having to sort and create large playlists and then keep them current every time I update my empeg.

I posted it as a wish, not because I couldn't do it with a bit work, but because it seems as if it wouldn't be that difficult to implement (yeah yeah...I's never as easy as it seems), and because this is the forum to voice wishes

~ John