Need? never. Wish? often.
So, I have a top level playlist called 'rock', which actually contains a whole bunch of stuff with related genres that don't exactly match (including stuff like Reggae), or even with bad genre tags or 'other' as genre. Wouldn't it be nice if I could select my 'rock' playlist, set the search scope to 'current playlist' rather than 'entire database' by pressing one key in the remote, and then searching for year=1971?
I currently cannot do that because I have other top level playlists such as 'salsa' and 'merengue' (with possibly bad genre tags), with many songs from the same time periods. So for me, its either rock, merenque or salsa all years included. Or a specific year with the three different types of music mixed up (which I never want to do).
I think this is different than a complex thing such as redhead canadian female singers between 82 and 86. I also think that the user interface can remain exactly as simple as it is now by just adding a "search scope" key that toggles between "entire database" and "current playlist" modes. I would use the features when I get in my car before starting to drive or at a particularly long red light. My son would do that kind of stuff from the rear seat with the remote when we are on a long weekend drive.
The ability to create complex playlists dynamically would be obtained for free for those who are inclinded to do so, although my use would be as indicated above. No change in complexity.