Okay, let's make a couple of assumptions here. I'm just thinking out loud, so somebody stop me if I'm wrong...
Let's assume for a moment that there's not really a leak in my fuel system. Reasonable assumption, as I can go most of the year without tripping this pressure sensor.
Let's assume that I actually do tighten my gas cap and I haven't left it off.
Let's assume that it's really thermal expansion and contraction that tricks the gas tank pressure sensor into giving a false alarm. For example, the sensor is too sensitive.
Well, if the above is true, then there's nothing the Honda dealership can do about it because the parts are all performing within spec. I could go to lots of trouble to take the car to a Honda dealership and be without the car for a day, and all the hassle, etc., only to have them tell me, "there's nothing wrong with the car that we can find. You must not have tightened your gas cap".
So I'm doomed to have my Check Engine light go off at least once a year.
Does that sound like a reasonable series of assumptions?
If so, does anyone know if the tank pressure sensor can be defeated, and if so, would there be any other harmful effects of doing so (other than its inability to detect a real leak if one happens)?