Yeah, radio shack should sell all the adapters you need. Most tape adapters do have a mini-plug for a portable cd player, but converters are easy enough to come by. Write down exactly what plugs you need and make sure you come out with them. (It seems simple until you get there. I just realized tonight that the last adapter i picked up at radioshack has a mono plug, yet comes out to two RCAs. I wonder if they'll take it back without a recipt).

The sound quality won't be great, but it won't be too bad. Your other option is of course an FM transmiter, which they make for the same purposes. I beleive the tape adapter will sound better?

I've often wondered how small a box I could make that would include a mounting sled and an FM transmitter. It'd be nice to be able to grab my empeg and just plug it into the cigarete lighter of some different car. If i switched cars more often than I do, I'd definitly look into this.
