Actually that does help a bit.... I knew that in a UNIX environment, you had a Master agent and the subagent (subagent passing info to the master). As I understand it the Iplanet subagent passes snmp data to the master (master being the NT SNMP service). So after reading your post.... does that mean there's no configuration needed? I'm sure I still need to have the snmp subagent enabled through the Iplanet administration page (theres a setting for this under the status menu)

However... none of the documentation I found said anything remotely like what you have written and is very UNIX specific. My question for you would be what version Iplanet is that documentation for? (I'm using 4.1 I think)

I should probably spend some time learning how to query SNMP I know how to get all my system info but haven't a clue as to how to query for things like traffic on certain ports.... I wonder if they make an SMPT for dummies book?
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's