In reply to:

If you care, I usually skip the first 1m30s of the intro, but I like that "attack formation" part.

Fair enough; I feel that bit's a bit loose but I prefer not to start really fiddling around with songs unless I have to. The only vaguely irritating thing for me about that is that I'd love to know where the sample comes from. It sounds vaguely Battlestar Galactica.

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Dose that mean that we have some kind of exclusive here? I can get a cool mix that my friends can't find real easy like?

Absolutely - apart from the members of this BBS, only one or two personal friends of mine know about the existence of these mixes. Since I'm borrowing the bandwidth as it is that's probably how it's going to stay. I might put the track listings up on my web page some day, when I get around to it.

Your summary of the Aleph notation is masterly. I didn't know of the Aleph Two classification, though - that gives me a working name for the next one. Since I don't think there's any classes of infinity larger (if you can get your mind around that) than Aleph Two, I'm going to have to come up with other names anyway...

Save the whales. Feed the hungry. Free the mallocs.

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550