Hey Richard,
Just finished a pretty good deal of coding with your library. What can I say, it is awesome. Any chance of us getting the 8 point font the player and hijack use (or something like it) in the next release? What about anti-aliased fonts? (you couldn't change the shade on these of course, except maybe inverted.) I can't imagine that anyone will ever use VFPFONT_TINY, but I used the other two in one of the two apps I'm going to have finished pretty soon. I think there's an error in you documentation, but I doubt it will matter to many people. The sizes of the fonts as reported by getTextHeight() are 3,5, and 6 point, but the .h file says 3,4, and 5.
I thought it was your library at first that was doing some weird stuff with the pixels in column 0, until I realized it was happening in the player software as well! (and anywhere else when using the display) I wonder if other people see it. Anytime a pixel in column 1 is on, the pixel from the same row in column 121 is on as well, slightly dimmer! I noticed it when I was scrolling through some things and the column 121 pixels were matching the first column. I think its a hardware thing. It's not really noticable (I didn't until I started staring at the way things were displayed for hours at a time

Oh, I thought of another interesting thing to consider implementing, but it might not be worth your time. What if you had a third mode, or a debug flag for the clipped mode that would stop executing or write to the std out whenever you tried to write outside the display area. In this way you could be reasonably sure that your code is sound before switching to unclipped mode. I actually haven't had a problem with speed in either of the two apps I've been working on, though. (However, they are both text based.)
Anyway, thanks so much for putting this together. It's really cool.