I am going to purchase enough bits for 9 connectors. I really only think it's worth it for Australian/NZ guys and that's what I was originally planning.
However, if there is enough demand (must be by my time Friday) I will consider doing a group buy for everyone. It seems I get things about half price compared to Digikey. I can do a complete connector (all 24 pins) for less than A$20 (~US$11). Postage to the US/England/Canada would be a bit of a killer I think but I am prepared to do it.
Also remember that this does
not include a sled of any sort nor does it have any of the wiring (RCAs, serial port, tuner connector or even the loose wires). I will consider making up complete harnesses although I probably can't do a tuner connector. I will
not be investigating making/folding up complete sleds though. That's your own problem for now

Anyone interested in this email me (christianh<at>pdd.edmi.com.au also in my profile) with the number you want and your location - also let me know if you want a made up harness and how much extra (on top of the $20/$11 - make sure you note which currency) you would be willing to pay for that. I will post what results from this on Friday night.