...so that your company can not see what you've been doing on the internet...

I use "Window Washer" for cleaning up the histories and logs on my local PC. Sounds like a similar program. Except that Window Washer is meant to clean logs from everything, and is extensible (with customization files), it doesn't just clean out the Internet Explorer browsing history.

This only covers your local PC, though. Clearing your local PC logs is only useful if your company tends to like poke around your local PC for information.

Most companies that want to track your internet surfing habits would do so through your proxy server (firewall) logs, which you probably don't have access to. If you really don't want your company "seeing what you've been doing on the internet", then you need to be able to clear both: Your PC's local history logs, as well as the logs on the proxy server.
Tony Fabris