is the quality really that great compared to the alpines?

Unfortunately, that's kind of like asking "How high is up?"

There are some people who claim to be able to hear the difference in audio quality between different brands of speaker wire. (I think they're deluding themselves). There are other people who are completely happy with an AM radio and a single $6 speaker in the middle of the dashboard of their pickup truck.

I pretend to be an audidophile, and my personal "cutoff" point is about $400 for a pair of mid-range (say four to six inch) speakers. Above that I really don't hear the difference. Below about $200 for a pair, I can tell the difference.

It is quite possible (indeed, common) for magazine tests that claim one speaker is better than another based on results of oscilloscope tests that display differences inaudible to the human ear. Should I pay extra for a speaker that has a flatter response curve than another speaker between 25,000 and 30,000 Hz? I don't think so.

Boston Acoustic speakers have a very good reputation. If you can hear the difference, then the price is worth it no matter what the price is.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"