Jail and a fine seem to be her punishment, and partly for not telling the truth from the start to investigators.

Not telling the truth to investigators should be punishable, I agree. But surely, in arid timber ecosystems, wildfires are natural? Certainly in Australia (or was it Africa? or both?) there are trees which cannot propagate except just after a wildfire.

The punishments should be meted out to the developers and realtors who sell housing land in places where natural "disasters" are virtually bound to happen sooner or later. In the UK, where some regions (including near Cambridge) have had three nominally "25-year" floods in eighteen months, insurers are starting to refuse cover to people in obviously flood-plain areas. Two hundred yards from the Empeg office, by the river Cam, is a playing field that's been under a foot of water (pics 9, 10) three times in two years. Now they're going to build houses on it. That's criminal.
