But, then again, I've never owned an ATAPI one, so maybe their quality has dropped with those
Same here. I stopped buying CD-rom drives when plextor stopped making new SCSI models. So the models that are in my PC now are the 12x SCSI writer and the 40x CD-rom.
That 40x Cd-rom is still regarded as one of the best, fastest and most accurate drives for audio ripping out there. I'm VERY happy that I own one.
I've mailed Plextor recently to ask them what their future plans are for SCSI and they replied saying that the SCSI market was not all that anymore for them and that they would not make any new SCSI models.
So I decided to stick to my current models for as long as they'll last.
On a note about the Plextor support : once my 40x broke down. I could simply contact Plextor Europe directly, ask for a RMA number and send them the drive. Within a week it was replaced. It still works fine up to this day.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup