I can guarantee that you'll have received an email by the time I go home tonight (but that could be rather late!).

Rob, are you still at the office? Didn't get an email yet, and I'm getting nervous...

I did some math: from the originally 6500 registrants that you invited to buy a Mk I, around 350 bought, and from those around 160 expressed an interest in upgrading to the Mk II. The first mini-batch consists of 40 Mk II, so exactly a quarter of those who are willing to upgrade will get one from this batch. Assuming all 160 will have confirmed their order by midnight, and assuming these 160 clients' registration numbers were evenly distributed between 0 and 6500, further assuming that the original registration number determines the order in which Mk II's are assigned to customers, then everybody up to reg no 1625 will get one of those 40. So I should be on the safe side with my reg no 1044, right? But then again, you never know... do you plan to also send out an email to those who filled in the online order form, but were so unlucky to not get one of the 40 Mk II? Would probably save me from some nail-biting tonight!


--- "I love deadlines. I love the WHOOSHing noise they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams