Okay, I have been holding off on bringing up this discussion, but with this suggestion on the wishlist, it's time to mention it. I think what you're really asking for here isn't a speed-sensitive EQ, what you're really asking for is a properly implemented loudness control.

What do I mean? Okay. Does anyone know what the "loudness" control on a stereo is really supposed to do? I mean, no stereo made in the last ten years properly implements this, but once upon a time, they did.

Here's the basic concept: As you change the volume of an audio recording, the distribution of perceived volume reduction is nonlinear with respect to frequency. For example, as you turn the volume down, the bass seems to drop in volume by a much greater degree than the midrange frequencies did.

In the old days, the loudness control wasn't just a "bass" control. It was actually a contour control that would slightly boost the bass in a ratio proportional to the volume. So as you turned the volume down, the bass would go up a bit. And as you turned the volume up, the bass would go down. This allowed you to turn down the stereo's volume but not lose the bass so much.

That's what I think the Empeg needs- a dynamic loundess control that changes with the volume level. And of course, it would need two different settings depending on whether you had it plugged into the car or at home.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris