I thought I'd start a new thread about this, as a constructive way of offering our input. Yes, many of us are upset that the ranks and post counts have been taken away, but I understand the reasons for it, and rather than harp on that, I think it would be good to offer up requests and suggestions on what we'd like to see.
Here are things that I have suggested or seen suggested in the already long thread, and have gotten lost or ignored. For the counts and titles, I've ordered the severity of the suggestions

Feel free to add anything.
Post Counts:
1-bring them back
2-bring them back but far less noticeable and unobtrusive
3-place them only in user profiles
4-place them only in "My Home"
1-bring them back
2-allow users to create their own titles, of limited size and text only
3-allow users to select (via radio button) one of many titles
Other Suggestions:
-increase the height of the personal photos to something like 100 or 120 pixels, so we might be able to add something of our own there and show some personal creativity. This is nice because users can choose whether or not they want to see personal photos.
-if ranks aren't brought back, delete the list in the BBS FAQ
-display date registered. Can't compete with that number, can you?
Obviously, the easiest of these would be the image size increase. I also don't think it would take up too much room, as we've gained quite a bit back

and posts are often long enough to take up that space.
If there are any other suggestions for this, feel free to add them. Sorry for what might seem an extraneous post, but I thought we should discuss this and get going.