Hi guys. Here is a link for a video I produced for a local comedy troupe. Besides doing their web site, I'm actually no longer an active member of the group, but we finally finished editing it down to a web friendly size. The comedy troupe's name is
Motor City Improv and they have a pretty good following. We've been approached by HBO and WB for material and everyone in this video is an alumni of Second City. Like I said, this is shameless self-promotion, but I'm not really with the group anymore (currently) and this is purely a fun hobby for me - I don't make any money from it.
www.motoricityimprov.com/Rock&Roll101.mov . (We didn't pay the extra $10 a month fo streaming, so you have to wait for the thing to download - 9MB.)
The troupe is mainly an improv group, but several times a year they put together writen shows that consistantly sell out. This video is a scene we took from one of those shows and shot to DV. It was an all-out production with a 3 CCD 1/2" camera, light and sound crews, makeup, etc etc. It was an interesting process taking something writen for the live stage and adapting it to television. There are things I would change now, but I'm pretty proud for it being my first producing gig since college.
But I wanted to get your feedback on this video before we send the link to the 300 people on our mailing list and our server gets slammed. I can't change anything in the video now, but we have several others in the pipeline that are awaiting post-production so I can take your comments into those edit sessions. Be kind!
TRIVIA: The girl that walks in at the end of the video is Lesley Braden. She was in Dogma as "Kissing Girl". Remember the scene where one of the angels is watching people get off of the airplane? She is the one who after just having had an affair, gets off of the plane and kisses her husband. With the exception of automotive spots (we
are in Detroit

) most of the work the other guys have done is regional so I don't think you'd recognize them.
EDIT: The link is not working for me now... I tested earlier and it was fine. And I see the file on the server, with proper case-sensitive spelling... any ideas? Could the hosting company have disabled it because it is an .mov file and I'm not paying for streaming?