I was checking out Tod's new projector this evening. Nifty piece of gear, very impressive.
Currently, his source for playing DVDs is his Playstation 2. Tonight we couldn't make it play in anamorphic widescreen mode. He went into the Playstation's options menu and set the screen size to "16:9", but the images it was presenting were the lower-rez letterboxed 4:3 images. We needed to use the "zoom" mode of his projector instead of the "full" mode in order to watch them at the correct aspect ratio. This, of course, resulted in a lower-rez image than he could have gotten if it had behaved as expected.
A quick check of some PS2 product reviews on the internet showed that it was, in fact, supposed to do anamorphic widescreen for DVDs which contained that feature. And, also, that the on-screen option we selected was the correct one for producing that result. However, the actual output was not being shown anamorphic.
Does anyone know of any bugs in the PS2's DVD playback that would produce this output? Is it something silly like... We were using the s-video cables and you're not allowed to do the anamorphic mode with the s-video connector? (If that's what it is, I'll be pretty pissed off.

) Any other insights?
Tod's planning on eventually buying a real DVD player (I'm suggesting he get the Panasonic player, the one at the top of the list in the latest shootout at Secrets). But in the meantime, I'd like to see him get the most out of the equipment he's already got. Sure, the PS2 isn't the greatest DVD player in the world, but it's adequate, and it produces a perfectly good picture for this projector (provided we can get it to play anamorphically).
Now, before most of the obvious questions come up, let me head a few of them off:
- Yes, I'm sure.
- Yes, I checked in the projector's manual to make sure that I knew which modes were which. But even without the manual, I can tell which modes are doing what. I've got plenty of experience with this stuff and I know what various combinations of disc and projector modes look like.
- Yes, I'm certain the DVDs we tried were capable of anamorphic widescreen. For example, the DVD of The Matrix was one we used to test with.
- Yes, I know the difference between a 16:9 anamorphic widescreen DVD, and a 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen DVD. The matting of the movie is irrelevant, I'm certain that this PS2 was not playing things anamorphic.
- Yes, I'm sure that this projector can take an anamorphic image. For instance, we were playing Super Monkey Ball 2 on the Gamecube on the same projector, and it's got an anamorphic widescreen mode that worked fine and looked correct when we set the projector to "full" mode (monkey balls were round instead of oblong).
Anyone with a PS2 ever tried to do anamporphic with it?