My school work has been slowing me down alot, but Squash is finally almost ready for the 1.0 release.
Things that have changed since 0.9, are:
Squash can turn the empeg off and adjust the brightness of the display.
Squash now has a menu system and can display the currently playing song and the upcoming songs. You can also see the statistics of a song, and skip songs preemptively from the upcoming songs (I am not resposible if you run into a tree or poodle while doing this!).
Buffered audio and tuning, so no skips! (yeah!)
Supports for FLAC!
And basic remote controls. (Skip, Play/pause and volume)
Just as a reminder Squash supports MP3's, OGG's and FLAC. It can use the existing player's database, or you can just send it files over ftp/rsync without needing any sort of special (and annoying) database tools.
Squash also picks songs automatically based on statistics of how often you skip a song versus let it play.
Things that still need to be done before 1.0 release:
More user configurable variables, and setting those in the player, not just the config file.
Manual Ratings (don't trust computers to do the dirty work for you?)
General code cleanups.
And last, I recently got the hijack toolchain to work, so that means squash can run with shared libraries, which is quite nice. This new (actually -old-) toolchain also works correctly with OGG's library, so now I can seek and tell the total playtime of an ogg file.
On a final note if you would like to test out this version of squash let me know and I'll furnish you a copy. Also if there are any features that you think are just absolutely required before a respectable 1.0 release, tell me here! And if you just have regular priority features put there here too.
Thanks for any and all support in the past or future. I've been using squash in my car for the past 3 months now and I like it alot (of course, though, since I wrote it
