Since we have such a high quotient of high tech gadget freaks on this board, it can't hurt to ask...

Rob Vreeland and I are trying to slap together a helmet cam for the upcoming Spring Break Buggy Blast. We need a mini DV camcorder to plug the camera into, and are trying to do this on a shoestring budget. The only cavaets are that it needs to be miniDV, small, and have AV inputs in either composite RCA or 3.5 mini jack formats. If the swivel out LCD screen doesn't work or the viewfinder doesn't work, no worries, as long as it records.

So i'm hoping one of you fine fellas has one laying around broken or discarded due to an upgrade to a 3 chip or something similar that you'd be willing to sell. That or a lead on one would be killer... we've got some cool ideas of what to do with this thing. I've been scouring ebay, so don't bother linking there

I'm attaching a text file that lists all the compatible cameras.

Thanks in advance for any help!

204634-miniDVs.txt (202 downloads)

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