I have been using trio with ARM 1.04 for about two weeks; it's been working great with a rebadged Dell and a Sonic Blue unit. A few days ago I upgraded the firmware on my router (D-Link 604). Since then trio/ARM has stopped working. The receiver will start up and play the first few seconds of a track (or a radio stream) and then stop (although the time counter will continue on for another minute or so). I've browsed through the posts on this and the other bbs and haven't seen anything related to this problem. I would appreciate any suggestions. Trio is so much better than the original client that I will have a hard time going without it. Thanks.
ARM 1.04; trio-0.1.4.alpha5; Win XP; sonic blue; rebadged Dell
ARM 1.04 + trio-0.1.4.alpha5; Win XP; sonic blue; rebadged Dell