Numbers are from your first post, ram and disk space. I've been using a borrowed sony sr33k the last few months. The specs match pretty closely. Using it primarily for web browsing. But with all the incidental software loaded it was getting tight on the disk drive. I also dropped some ram that I scavenged into it.
My experience is that the batteries fail because there is something wrong with the charging circuts. Either poor design or something failed. Laptops are so tightly integrated that when something like that fails it isn't much worth fixing unless you have the skills to do it your self.
The last machine I had that failed was a kds valient. About 18mos ago I picked it up at an Office Max branch closing. ( bad location ) I couldn't resist the closout price of $850. That laptop was jinxed. Just before the warrenty was up the backlight electronics died. That was repaired under warrenty. The battery had been steadly loosing capacity. Then one day there was a flicker and everything went dead. I pulled the hard drive and put the rest into the spare parts bin.

I think my next one is going to be a sony. I'm kind of impressed with the loaner I've been using.
Lest I give everyon the impression that I've had nothing but trouble. I have a couple of paperweights that still boot and run, slowly. One runs windows 3.11 @ 25 ghz.