
Well, I have been thinking about the tuner kits and the best way forward. I have spend an obscene amount of money on purchasing 200 tuner modules, with great difficulty, and I don't think I am likely to get any more. So, this batch will be the last.

I have been producing the kits in batches of 25 or less, for reasons explained elsewhere. However, after much though, I have decided to do the next lot as a batch of 100. I have a new set of PCBs on order, which should be here in a week or so, and have also acquired a couple of hundred of the MAX4544 chips which are the other component that has had supply issues in the past.

I will be ordering the other components this week, and when they arrive, intend to spend a couple of weeks doing nothing but boxing up tuner kits. This amount should clear the current queue.

I have been finding that people are taking, in some cases, many weeks if not a month or more to respond to the tuner payment request when it is sent out. This causes a lot of problems, essentially tying up kits until they respond or I finally give up. I will now be applying a policy of allowing 1 week for the response, assuming the email hasn't bounced or failed for some reason. If the customer doesn't respond within that week, I will immediately offer the kit to the next in line. Note that this does not mean I have cancelled that order. If the person in question contacts me later, I will put them back into the queue at the current position. This seems like the fairest way to get through the queue as fast as possible.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...