Hey all,

I just wanted to see if there is any interest here for a java program to set both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags. This program would read both tags and create a new set based on existing tag info and info from the directory and filename if available. This would ensure that all programs (and your empeg) where using the same ID3 info and allow the user to complete tags that they had not filled out previously.

This would be a text based program that given a directory of mp3s and/or directories containing mp3s would iterate over all the mp3 files and set all the common tags in both v1 and v2 format based on existing tag info, directory and filename info, and user input (if desired).

Anyway, I originaly wrote a perl script (mentioned in this thread)to do this, because I could never find a decent unix program to do it. I am considering writing a more robust java version but I wanted to see if anyone besides me would actually use it.


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration