This is my "spare" unit - offered for sale to raise some greenbacks. To my knowledge this unit (previously purchased on ebay) has never been installed into a car. (The docking sled is pristine.) As indicated in the subject line, this is a 20 gig m2ka, with Hijack installed. The ebayer whom I purchased the riocar from left his mucin on the unit. It's yours to happily listen to or decide it's crap and delete it.
The unit is listed on ebay - url is below. There is approximately 4.5 days left on the auction. PM me with any questions you might have. If anyone is interested in spare parts from my first riocar, let me know. There is something wrong on the board (I think) but the VFD should still be good. Obviously this spare parts riocar is a "sold as-is" item - no guarantees for anything. It isn't part of my ebay listing, so PM me if you are interested. Thanks!
riocar listing on ebay