I made my own home bay (certainly not a fancy as this) and made the connections in the following way:
Removed the sled connector.
Cut a piece of ply to the same dimensions as the back of the sled.
Screwed it to the back of the sled with connector screws.
Cut a Bic pen cartridge in half exposing some oozing ink.
Pushed the non oozing side onto the power pin on the empeg
Gently slid the empeg in produce a nice inky dot exactly where my hole for the power cable needed to be.
Repeated for the RCA inputs. (A bic insert has exactly the right internal and external dimensions for RCA and power)
"Stretched" the external conductors of the RCAs to give a looser fit)
Removed ply backboard and drilled holes just larger than the connectors.
Replaced backboard, pushed connectors through holes.
Slide in the empeg and make all connections.
Covered the outside of the connectors in epoxy to hold them in place.
Waited 1 hour for epoxy to dry.
Voila !
Slides in perfectly every time.
The back plate can just be unscrewed if required so that I can add USB, serial, ethernet at a later date.
MK2 Red S/n 949
MK2 smoked 32Gb S/n 090000949
MK2a Blue 20GB racked and out of sync