But I slew the beast, dragged the gory remnants from it's bowels and reposted it

Anyhow, I saw someone else have this problem so I figured I'd mention how to avoid it - works on other forumae too.
1. Use Firefox
2. Install 'Live HTTP Headers"
3. Restart Firefox (how 'Windowsesque')
Start a post.
have a coffee
press 'Continue'
And curse at the foul message: We cannot proceed.
(Waddaya mean _WE_ - I'm fine thanks!)
* Press back
* Select Tools->Live HTTP Headers
* Press forward (don't submit)
* A popup should appear saying that there is 'POSTDATA'. It asks if you want to resend the data - say "OK"
* Again it says "We cannot proceed" - that's fine
Go to the Live HTTP Headers window and scroll down to the blindingly obvious bit that has your text in it.
Higlight text and right click to copy.
Now, use the back button or somehow go back to the forum find the post you're replying to and click reply...
Paste in your post...
Only worth doing for epic posts of monumental importance or when you wrote something really interesting but really can't remember what.
Can you tell it's friday?