I decided I needed some more stimulation for the rainy periods, so looked around for a good stimulator program

MS Flight Sim X seems to be the current favourite below the level of X-plane, so having checked it was available for Windows 2000 (online ads, etc) I picked up a copy when I was in Canada last week visiting my father. Of course, I didn't bother to read the fine print on the box as I was in a bit of a hurry, and guess what? It lists XP and Vista as the supported OSes

The annoying thing is that I can find references all over the place to various companies selling it claim it requires 2000 or XP! Unfortunately, this is wrong as it bitches about requiring XP as a minimum spec when you try to install it.
I haven't been able to find any way of persuading it otherwise. Any ideas, or do I just install XP dual-boot on my games box for the sole reason of running MS FS X?