Well, I finally got around to setting up the new cad machine based on that Foxconn Blackops motherboard. Actually, it was forced on me, as the older machine up and died on in the middle of a job for which I had been paid in advance
exactly the amount needed to buy the new parts.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
After two days of faffing around with pcs, and the house completely overrun with eviscerated machines, I finally have everything back together and running. I even managed to fix the old cad box, so I have a fall-back backup machine

The problems appears to have been a faulty PCI graphics card, which was causing random lock-ups, reboots, and what have you. Never seen that particular fault before, normally a bad card simply dies rather than working and producing faults in something else. Weirdly, restoring the machine backup onto a different hard drive made it nearly work, while the original drive, running a complete clone of the new one, didn't work at all. No idea what's going on there.
Removing the graphics card and introducing it to the bin seems to have sorted that particular problem out, but the original one of the machine simply being too slow remains.
The new one does NOT suffer that problem. I put a Core 2 Quad Q9450 in it along with 4GB of very fast ram, and it's currently running perfectly at 3.2GHz. This is quite a step over the 2.66GHz the processor is rated at, but these new 45nm parts do seem to have an awful lot of headroom. My games box runs a 3GHz E8400 at 4GHz quite happily.
It's blazingly fast. I mean, REALLY REALLY fast. Probably as much computing power as all my other machines put together! I took the opportunity to upgrade a few other machines as well by carefully swapping parts around, so the two HD3850 cards out of my games box are in this new one, along with a third one off ebay new for very little money, and they've been replaced with an HD4870. Which is a whole new kind of quick for the gaming, but that's by the by.
I did similar tricks with hard drives to upgrade the backup server to 2TB from 1, and put the drives out of that into the new box. They're only a few months old, so I consider them to be soak-tested rather than used

I just need to get an 8 port serial card and it's done.
To get an idea of the speed increase I tried transcoding a DVD with
Handbrake, which on the old machine manages about 21 FPS average at 2500kbit H.264. This box does it at 125FPS! That should do for the next while.
Thanks for the suggestions.