Hey everyone ... My spidey sense detected distant cries and I came running

I never actually owned jempeg.org. That was Dan Zimmerman's. I haven't talked with him in quite a while, so I'm not sure what's up with that server. In the meantime, I've tar'd up my original CVS repositories for all of the j* projects and I'm going to put them on my dropbox, so people can pull them out and reimport them back into github or something with full history if that's useful.
There are two catches here:
1) tffid3, i believe, was binary only. Dan owned the license to that and I don't think he released the source code to it. He might be willing to at this point, though I doubt it would be GPL (he wasn't a fan). I think I have a source drop of it, but I can't release that without his consent.
2) I have the code to pearl-core (the karma communication framework) and rmmlite (rio music manager lite). I have NO idea who owns the rights to this code anymore. If someone can track that down, I'm happy to release that, too.
3) .... profit?
If anyone needs any more info, let me know -- happy to help out however I can.