So, I'm guessing that
this news is pretty upsetting to some empeggers.
I listen pretty often, so it'll be sad to not have these guys on the air anymore.
Yes, but as a starving student in 1978, the not-yet syndicated Car Talk on BUR filled a serious void in the transportation technology world. Tom and Ray might puzzle over ill-behaved Volvo fuel injectors for half the show. Then came NPR (and ECUs), and half the show could be consumed by marital discord - "My husband wants a Miata but where do we put the toddler???"
Tom and Ray, though, deserve a nice retirement. But they won't really retire. Lest anyone wonder, an old acquaintance of mine (who went to high school with them in Cambridge) reported with exasperation "Enough! Those two are like that ALL THE TIME! It never stops!"