OK, I'm assuming you got your Rio600 as a rebate offer for having bought the empeg within 30 days of the reduction. Understood. Now, I just can't understand why anyone would actually BUY one of these things. It's incredible that SB claims that a 64MB device equals "up to two hours of music." Yeah, at 64Kbit. Why not measure at 32Kbit and say up to 4 hours?
If Apple drop the price, even marginally, on their iPod and release "out-of-the-box" Windows software, everyone else producing portable devices is in for a world of hurt.
All these portables are just different shells for what Diamond released with their very first Rio product. Massively outdated.
BTW, if you want to put an empeg logo onto your shell, you can do it yourself too. Get an inverse logo cut at a vinyl shop and use it as a mask. Then spray the colour of your choice and remove the mask. Or make a positive sticker and keep that on instead of painting.
Edited by hybrid8 (09/12/2001 13:18)