I've written a small program that can be run on the empeg, called mirrordb. It creates a tree of subdirectories and symbolic links to your MP3's on the empeg. You can then export that tree using samba or FTP to easily access your MP3's according to your own preferred structure (be sure to allow symbolic links outside the samba/FTP share root directory).
Try it out and let me know if it works.
By default it tries to create the tree under /drive0/mirror, but you can specify a different directory on the command line. The directory is created if it doesn't exist yet, and it will contain only one directory, named after the root playlist.
The tree doesn't take up much space, but it does use a lot of inodes, so it probably won't fit on your root filesystem.
Currently it isn't very smart about existing directories, so you have to delete the whole tree before running mirrordb again if you want to incorporate your latest changes to the database.
Hmmm, that link doesn't work very well. Shift+click to download and rename to mirrordb...
48175-mirrordb (231 downloads)
Edited by Captain_Chaos (09/12/2001 16:28)