Well, I just opened my new Rio Car. Booted fine with 1.02 installed. I then upgraded to v2beta7 and then synced with the unit. All is well. Then I was setting up to clone my old unit to the new one. And the new one started doing this same thing. 'Falied to unmask IDE." and 'No hard drive found Contact Support.' It kept doing it and I thought must be something with this version of the software. Then an idea hit me. Maybe the power jack was not up to snuff. And sure enough I changed this and it went to working fine again. I looked and the power supply I was using was only rated at 500ma. So that definatly was the problem here. But I am having this problem on the other unit in the car. But only after it has been on a while(45min or so).
Sonic Blue 03 Cobra Vert Owner!!!