Hi folks,
I've had a looksy around and I can't find a simple way of controlling the empeg (running dev. image 2b5) via ethernet. The emptool app gives me the access to obviously take a goosy at the playlists etc, but I want to be able to do the simple things in life like "play" "stop" "next track" "previous track" to start with and then move onto the more complicated stuff later. It's all part of my master plan to be able to control the thing via my moby phone running gprs to my static IP at home and then route certain http requests to a constantly on linux machine which can then translate these to the player. I'm really not quite sure what the real pratical use for this would be apart from if I'm sitting outside and can't use the remote due to sunlight, machine inside etc etc, and and obviously for the main reason "because I can".