A way to back up through displays. You should be able to use the "*" character to back up.
A carry bag for sale so I can carry my Empeg to and from the car without getting it wet, or looking like I just stole it out of someones car. And yes, I did get stopped by the police asking me what I had and where I had gotten it.Yes Rob - where are the carry-bags? My wife reckons she could have knocked off about 200 leather ones by now - I thought production was "imminent"?

Funny you should say this today - I made the mistake of leaving mine in the car for the first time this weekend. When I went out to collect it (in the dark, Sunday evening - mistake), I got pulled by a copper (on a bicycle) and given the once over. He didn't believe the unit was mine in spite of the fact I had the keys for the car still in my hand; I got let off, but it sounded like he was going to book me for "possesion of a strange-looking car radio"