Hi guys,

Well, I bought my empeg already a few weeks ago, and it's still not in action. The reason is because I'm reading, reading and reading many of your posts here (this Forum is really, really goooood) :-), I printed out the empeg FAQ just today (146 pages) and getting information before I start with it, beside that have a lot of work (also a new girlfriend!) and planning to drive from Ireland to Germany and Italy on holidays next weekend, as I don't want to leave my empeg in the car while on holidays I'm not really in a hurry....what I hell I'm telling you guys..well what I wanted to tell you is that I found a nice threat about LAME settings and EAC stuff and so on....here...is worth a look, I guess many of you know it, well I didn't an many others may not it eather!

I'm an absolute new comer in the MP3 world, two weeks ago I knew NOTHING about all this stuff and as I like to know what I'm doing, I read and read and read....that's why I may have posted some "stupid" questions on the subject.

By the way these seems to be the most "loved" rippers:
EAC (seems to be the favourite one by the "purists")
Media Jukebox
MusicMatch (sadly not possible to use LAME with this one!)

LAME seems to be the most loved encoder!

The first time I used EAC, didn't really work, I guess I did something wrong, since it's a bit rought to easy to set up. I've just printed out a "handbook" for EAC from www.ping.be/satcp

In case I don't get EAC to work, I will have to take a different one by the way, have you heard or tested Winrip 2.0?

Greetings from Ireland!

Thanks / Gracias Mario The Spanish guy living in Ireland Homepage: www.livemyadventure.com