I've been using MP3 tag studio for two or three years now and have always been very happy with it. Recently I undertook a mammoth re-encoding session (something like 500 CD's) and at the moment have them all sat in one folder all tagged up with no place to go. I can't find a facility in tag studio to move mp3s into folders based on their artist, album, track and title, ie. on the root of my mp3 folder I have all the artists so if I pick an artist 'Aphex Twin' for example, and open his folder I have presented to me a set of folders each containing an album. Inside the album folder are the mp3s named with the track number and title.
Does anyone know wether there tag studio or tag and rename are able to do this. Or is there another program that will do the trick.
I have searched on this and drew a blank.

Andy M