I have just ripped all my Cd's for a third time Using Music Match Jute box (I know its not the best one out there but its a one step program and I have nearly 600 cd's to ripp)

Here is the Issue I have music Match Version 7.5 I have it set to custom quality 320Kbs and Maxium Bandwidth is set at 22K (the Max)

My Empeg is feeding a Pioneer DEQ-9200 then out ot a PPI PCX-4125 feed two pairs of Diamond Audio S600 Speakers and a pair of PCX-2400 Bridged mono and each one Feeding a 12 Diamond Audio TDX 12D4 sub

hits Like a Turbo Charged Jack Hammer but the Music seems to be missing something.. I have fiddgeted with the Setting on the Eq and found the most pleasent one to use but when I listen to the same music off the Cd's at home they seem much warmer and have more depth..

Any Suggestions ???

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