Driving home last eve I wound up getting stuck in a flooding situation in Mebane, NC, we had 7 inches of rain in 1.5 hours. I am glad I mounted the Empeg higher than where I used to have it between the seats in my '72 Datsun 510 last year. It got pretty wet between the seats splashing through those newly formed ponds and creeks in the road. I did make it a block from my house when I could not go no farther so I parked at the bar to wait out the floods. There were cars and SUV's stuck in the road and running into each other in the ditchs. Some of those SUV's were up to their roofs.
No damage to my house but most of the ice storm damage floated away

(we had really bad ice storms here in December and February) Also I had a 510 parts car that flooded.
Anyhoo... I had a some time to play with the Palantir application on the PDA while i was stuck in the rain. What a kick @ss application. Most of my friends have been duly impressed with the Empeg for the past 1.5 years now. But that now that they can see the database in a user-friendly format they are really impressed. I think one friend actually bid on a Empeg and a PDA over the weekend...
Later, Sean