Can someone answer this one for me?

I have 2 subs (Infiinity Perfect 12.1) both 4 ohm running in parallel so the amp sees 2 ohm.

The amp (Kicker IX405D) has a sub section which outputs 390W (Dynamic Power at 14.4v / 290W (RMS at 12.2v), I have a power cap which is normally having the voltage run at about 14v

The subs are rated at 350w RMS / 1400w Peak.

Are they getting 390w (ish) from the amp EACH or BETWEEN them (i.e. 195w each).

Am I way underpowering my subs ? Should I be buying a bigger amp ? If so, what would you guys recommend at under 350 UKP.

Any advise very welcome.
