
Sorry if my tone gets a little aggressive but I'm more furious than words can describe! Here's a tale of woe for you...

I took my peugeot 306 into the registered peugeot dealer because the airbag light was flashing and the window motor on the drivers door was broken and of course giving them prior notice that I have a custom stereo install for their reference. So I left it with them all day.

So upon my return I find they've not put the door panel back on properly and the speaker cable is poking out of the wingmirror housing (where my tweeter is)!! And they didn't even replace the window motor as they didn't have the part!!!So I get 'Tony' the service prat to come and see what his monkey's have done. I'm already seeing the red mist, he knows this and acknowledges it's substandard work to say the least. I fein calmness and drive away still £77 down.

As I drive away with the riocar plugged back in, I hear a sound that could kill! Surely not, surely they haven't messed with the ice, surely not after me telling them about my custom install. But my worst fears were confirmed when this unearthly noise repeatedly came out of my speakers. This was made even more scarey by the fact the stereo hadn't even booted up yet!

Tony was about to know what real pain felt like.

How do I describe the noise? Its a kind of ear shattering, low tone BEEEEEP.............BEEEEEEP............BEEEEEEEP and after about 6 of those, it turned itself off. Tony unwisely decided to defend his collegues work... not a good move Tone.

After about 15 minutes of me ranting, swearing, gesticulating, talking about his mother etc. etc. he came to the conclusion that I was not a satisfied customer. But not one word of apology. I am now taking it back there tomorrow for them to sort out. I know I'm asking for it by doing that, but I have no choice and its the only way I'll know what they've done to it.

But the point of why I'm telling you all this, is partly to get it off my chest, and partly becuase I'm hoping maybe someone out there has come across this noise and problem. And hopefully give me a litle info on the cause so I can go back tomorrow and tell them what to keep their little fat fingers away from.

Wishful thinking it may be but I'm kind of nervous about letting them loose on it with no knowledge of the unit.

Someone please help, being this angry is shortening my life expectancy by the minute.

Yours optimistically,

Captain Rage

by the way, I have it linked to a 4 way directors amp, bridged to jl sub, with quart comps in the front.