Let's say I would like to prepare, in my windows directory, my playlists tree before receiving my Empeg player.
Let's say that on one side, I've created a "by artist" tree with album directories inside each artist directory, and on the other side a "by genre" tree with rock, rnb etc... directories in which I put windows shortcuts pointing to the songs in the "by artist" tree.
How will Emplode react in front of the windows shortcuts when I drag and drop those two trees under the Emplode root directory ? Will it convert the windows shortcuts in "emplode links" pointing to the unique song file maintainded by the Empeg environment ?

And a second question : What definies the uniqueness of a song ? the song filename or the song filename combined with the full directory path in which it seats in my windows computers ? or anything else ?

Are their some experimented users who could give me answers to those 2 questions ?

Thanks in advance,