MKII (not a) 2.0b13+hijack (recent version, not latest though)

Ok, without the tuner plugged in, the empeg works fine.

When I got the tuner, I hooked it up, and it turned out the purple wire, which appears to supply power was loose. (But the tuner did work intermitently) This morning I got around to fixing it, and now the red light stays on solid when powered up. However, I have problems with the empeg locking up when I boot with the tuner plugged in. It worked ok this afternoon, but tonight on my way home, I had to yank the sled out and unplug the tuner again to get the empeg to boot. I repeated a few times in the car, and any time the tuner is plugged in, it hangs on "starting audio". I tried turning off restore visuals, and it still has issues.

I'm not sure if it's a bug, something I'm doing wrong, or some hijack issue. I'll try upgrading hijack, and some more troubleshooting variations tomorrow morning.