Yeah! Finally got my player in (Thanks, Uncle Sam.). Serial number 4096 - 4Mb. This thing just rocks. (Hey, I'm skipping work to load up my MP3s..)
Anyways, I've been looking and glancing around for these Tuner modules. Normally, I'd say screw it, but, working in radio, and doing ALOT of cross-country driving, I occasionally PREFER to listen to different stations during my drive, so I'm more inclined to get one than most people.
I noticed the high prices these tuner things have - hell, said they have a few left, for the SAME PRICE as a 10Gb Empeg! (around $310). I've seen them on eBay for $250. I KNOW these things couldn't have RETAILED that high. Would I be better off getting a cheap-arse walkman/tuner and plug it into the aux, or seriously consider a tuner module (I'd prefer the tuner, since I wouldn't have to worry about batteries in the walkman, or having it lose in the car..)
So, anyone have a CHEAP source for these tuners, or can point me somewhere?
Many gracias!

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper