I have a Mk II Riocar with a 10 gig hard drive that is now almost full. I am willing to pay for someone to upgrade it with a second 40 gig drive, w/o f*(&^ing it up as I surely would. Even better would be if this could be done without losing the data on my first drive or taking it (the website I originally bought the player from wants an exorbatant amount of $ and for some reason wanted to keep my 10 gig drive - this is not an option as the cpu those files were on crashed long ago and I'm not about to rip 100+ cd's to hard drive again). I'd also need the drive formatted (obviously) and any non-beta upgrades performed. I've been reading this forum for quite a while, and I know all of you are good and honest people

at least I hope so. So if anyone can refer me, I'd appreciate it much. I have no interest in cpus beyond using them, same goes for my precious Rio, so messing with it is not an adventure I'm confident in or have patience for. Thanks.